Emmanuel Engelhart kelson at kiwix.org
Thu Mar 28 05:29:06 PDT 2013

Hi Joel

On 03/28/2013 10:48 AM, Joel Steres wrote:
> Thanks for your interest in the project.

It seems we have pretty similar goals with Kiwix, we also focus pretty 
much energy to put Kiwix and contents on low-tech/end devices. I'm 
really happy if we can mutualize some efforts!

>> In any case (and sorry if I repeat myself), if you have a workable set of
>> HTML pages perfectly usable offline, then it won't be a problem to create
>> the corresponding ZIM file.
> As it stands now the Gutenberg portion is functional, though still
> being refined, and can be served locally.   However, the webpages are
> composed dynamically using templates with flask.  All of the metadata
> about the books is stored in a sqlite database which flask uses to
> populate the templates.  I'm not sure but it sounds like you are
> looking for a collection of rendered HTML pages. That could be
> obtained by crawling the site.  Before doing that we might want to
> finalize the presentation.
> If there is something I can help with let me know.

Although this is not exactly what I need to be able create the ZIM file 
(pages are generated dynamically), this is a big step forward. You 
already perfectly see what still need to be done :)

I see two solutions:
* straight forward using something like httrack
* clean way with a flask script/plugin/module going through all pages.

For a first version... httrack is certainly good enough IMO. One time 
you have finished to beautifying the presentation pages, would that be 
possible to let httrack crawling the site and create a TGZ I could download?

Kind regards

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